Daily Archives: 17 February, 2019

365 Questions – January Part 3

Here we go with the third and final part of January’s prompts.

22.  Tomorrow will be better because …
I will be at work which means there is not as much temptation of food.

23.  What made today unusual?
Nothing.  The only thing I did differently was getting the bus to the supermarket and then walking home from there rather than getting my usual bus home.

24.  What are you looking for from life?
To be happy.  To be able to spend quality time with my Man and Boy.  To have fun and smile every day.

25.  What is your favourite thing to drink? 
Diet coke or water.

26.  Today the temperature was … 
8°C according to York Weather Station on Twitter 🙂

27.  How much did you spend at the grocery store last time you went? 
About £10 this morning.

28.  Tomorrow will … 
be cold but I’ll still go for a run.

29.  What was your last major purchase? 
Too private to put in this post.

30.  My house is a home because … 
my family lives there and keeps it messy and lived in.  It is clean, but messy.

31.  Who is the last person to tell you they loved you? 
My husband