Daily Archives: 3 February, 2019

365 Questions – January 2019 Part 2

As the previous post was getting long, I decided to stop after 11 days of journal prompts and split the entries into 2, or maybe more, posts.  So, here is part 2.  Let’s see how far we get.

12.  What is making you mad?
Nothing really makes me mad but being the only person in the house who does the washing/drying of clothes/bedding/towels sometimes frustrates me.  Then I calm down when I remember that I am also the only one who works part time and the others in the house work full time.

13.  What did you have for dinner today?
Roast chicken made in the UltraPro (Tupperware).  It was lovely and so easy to clean the UltraPro too.  We also had the last of the pigs in blankets from Christmas, roast potatoes, carrots and broccoli.

14.  What did you get done?
This is private.

15.  Who last called you on the phone?
A call centre about an accident I was in.  I was in an accident?  Why did no one tell me?!?

16.  Who are you in love with?
My husband, of course.

17.  What are you grateful for?
Having a house with a toilet and indoor plumbing! Oh, and my fridge, freezer, washing machine, dryer etc…

18.  The best part of today was …
getting home and knowing I didn’t have to go out in the cold again.

19.  My current favourite website is …
I don’t think I have a favourite website.  The one I visit most often is Amazon.

20.  What is the hardest thing you are dealing with?
This is private

21.  Today I wish I had more …
adventurous taste buds so I would/could have more variety for my meals.

That’s it for part 2.