Monthly Archives: January 2019

365 Questions – 1-11 January 2019

I did it!  I actually kept my 365 questions journal going for the whole of January.  Here are some of my answers.

  1. What is your number one goal this year?
    To enjoy it and have fun!
    I have other goals relating to family, health and fitness but I’m not going to share those.
  2. What are you most grateful for?
    My family
  3. Are you content?
    Yes!  Could things be better? Sure but they could be a lot worse too.  I have a job I enjoy.  I have my health with a few minor issues but they don’t stop me doing what I want to do.  I have my family.  So, yes, I am content.
  4. What is your best memory of last year?
    Just one?!?  The best is probably our Disney holiday but seeing the Boy running with someone other than me or the Man and smashing the R U Taking the P? and parkrun is up there too.  As well as running sub-30 for parkrun, twice and the Man completing his first York 10K.
  5. What was the last major accomplishment you had?
    I guess that depends on what you define as a major accomplishment.  I have celebrated 25 years of marriage. I graduated with a degree as a mature student in 2007.  I ran sub-30 for 5k twice in 2018 for the first time since 2015 when I only managed it once …
  6. What possession could you not live without?
    Good shoes for walking.  Or clothes in general.
  7. Can people change?
    Yes.  For the better and for the worse.
  8. What is the last “good” think you ate?
    Yogurt and banana for breakfast.
  9. What is your current favourite snack?
    Slimming World Hi-Fi bars or summer fruits with fat free natural yogurt and meringue (my version of Eton Mess).
  10. What made you smile today?
    A friendly welcome and a smile at the butchers.  Walking to Tesco for the shopping.  Getting my run and shower in before going to the dentist for a scan.
  11. What’s your favourite accessory?
    My watch or the Winnie the Pooh bags my mum made.  I don’t use them enough.

As this is a long post, I’m going to leave it here and put some more in a separate post.


Becky recently answered these questions and decided that I should answer them too.  So, here you go Becky.

  1. Who inspires you the most?
    I am inspired by lots of people for different reasons.  However, Becky and the Boy probably inspire me the most purely because of what they do on a daily basis.  My boss inspires me too.
  2. Where was the furthest place from home that you have ever traveled to?
    That’s tricky because the furthest I’ve traveled from my current home was actually me travelling home from school.  The furthest I’ve traveled on holiday is either Zimbabwe or California.  I can’t be bothered to look up which one is furthest.
  3. Which blog post gave you the most pleasure to write?
    I really don’t know.  I can’t remember a lot of the ones I’ve written.  I probably enjoyed writing ones about the Boy’s achievements though.
  4. Why did you start blogging?
    I don’t really know why I started blogging.  It was a long time ago and a lot of my old posts are now set to private (Becky you should have done this instead of deleting 😉 ).  I seem to remember starting my blog as a way to keep track of how I was feeling about returning to full time education and juggling that with working part time and being a full time mum of a child with a disability.
  5. Do  you have any social media accounts and what are they?
    Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.  I very rarely use LinkedIn but I have a profile on there.
  6. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
    I can’t really remember anything really embarrassing although the Man is probably responsible for a few of them.
  7. What is your favourite dish?
    I have to choose just one?  No, can’t be done.  I love shepherd’s/cottage pie, steak and chips, fish and chips, sausages.  Oh and pudding/dessert.  Now that would be lemon meringue pie … or apple crumble … or chocolate fudge cake … or death by chocolate …
  8. If you could ask a famous person in history a question, what would that be?
    Hmm, I need to think about this one …  OK after a few days of thought I still can’t think of a famous person in history I’d like to talk to but I’d love to have the opportunity to talk to my grandparents a bit more about what it was like growing up in the early 1900s.  My maternal grandfather died before I was born, my paternal grandfather died when I was 7 and because we lived overseas I didn’t see my paternal grandmother very much.  I wish I’d asked my maternal grandmother more questions when I had the chance though.
  9. What did you do on New Years Eve 2018?
    Caught up on lots of TV while waiting for the fireworks to come on BBC1.  If I lived in the middle of no-where and knew I wouldn’t be woken up by people setting off fireworks I’d probably have just gone to bed at my usual time.
  10. Do you believe in ghosts?